7 Proven Ways to Grow your Social Media Followers and Engagement

Whether your business is local or online, Social Media plays a huge role in the “grow your business” phase. However, you are not the only one seller in your niche, so you have a lot of fierce competition.

But there are certainly a lot of ways to grow your social media following and engagement and I’m going to reveal soon the best tips, tested and tried.

Benefits of using Social Media for your business

1.Creating brand awareness- The best way to get visible and getting the word spread out about you faster is by using social media. Let your friends and family know about your new business and email your past co-workers. By doing that you are letting people know about your newly launched business and they might become your first customers/clients.

If this won’t happen, at least they will share the word about your business on social media, so people in their circle will know about your business. Boom, you grew up your chances of finding new customers.

2.The power of hashtags– The easiest way to be found online, especially on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter are hashtags. When people are searching for certain hashtags that interest them they will find your post and BOOM!

Another chance of finding potential customers/clients.

Secondly, it is a free and low-cost method. And thirdly, it is easy to target your dream clients and find them in the online world.

Now, let’s cut the cake and get a taste out of it:

1.Tell a Story through images- Yes, the power of storytelling is what truly sells. People buy from people, they buy solutions to their problem and they buy stories and feelings.

Some examples: Reaction to a product, Ways to use it etc.

2. Social Proof– People also buy and trust what others say about you, about your business. They care more about people who know you already and their opinion, then what you have to say. It is the truth. So showing real, genuine testimonials will surely make them think better about buying your product and how amazing it can be.

3. Make them happy, motivated — Give them any positive emotion through your posts- Your customers want to feel connected to you. They want to trust you. It is a slow, but sure process. So make them know, you don’t care just to sell to them. You care when they might have a bad day and want to cheer them up. Just like a virtual friend. They will feel you are a human too, with real feelings and not just someone that is after their money.

4. Show from Behind-The-Scenes– Yes, looking professional and perfect surely gain the admiration from your audience but showing the “real you” or your company and things that happen behind , will surely build trust and loyalty from your audience. They will see you as fun, different and nice.

5. Send personalized photos to every new follower- Sometimes, I follow certain brands and think they don’t even notice me and it makes me feel a bit sad. Do you want your potential clients to feel the same? I thought so too. So, send each follow a personal note/photo with a Welcome and Thank you message so they will remember you as it is something rarely heard about, isn’t it?

6. Make your followers do “tasks” for a reward. For example, for the ones who share your new post on social media (and make sure they are not faking it), they get a 5% discount of your service/product. Exciting right? If they tag 3–5 friends, they get 10% and so on..

7. Live Q&A video with the Owner– This surely is a very exciting idea! Who wouldn’t talk to an expert or successful store owner?! Let your followers ask you questions and engage in a light, fun and nice conversation with them. This establishes trust, you become an expert in your field in their eyes and they will end up buying from you.

If you apply these tips for social media marketing it will become so much easier to gain followers and a lot of engagement. And what you want the most, customers!

Remember that it takes time to become successful. Try everyday or every week different strategies and in a matter of days or weeks you will can achieve what you wish for!

There is no secret formula to “success”. But there is the possibility to achieve your dream, if that’s what you aim for.

Published by ttheluxelifeblog

I'm a Lifestyle blogger and I teach people how to make an income online and to travel while also dating people from other cultures and learn how to cook amazing food

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